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Protecting Your Child’s Teeth from Decay ,
Child at Dentist Pearl MS

From the moment the first tiny little pearly white tooth erupts through your baby’s gum, you and your family dentist fight to keep decay from ruining your child’s teeth. Some parents and guardians are better at maintaining the battle than others. It can be challenging to keep sweets to a minimum, even at an early age.

Water Over Milk or Juice

Allowing your baby to go to sleep with a bottle is not the best idea; however, many parents in Pearl, MS have found that this practice helps the little one to drift off without a whimper. The practice is especially harmful when the bottle has juice or milk in it. As your sweet little bundle slumbers away, those brand-new tiny teeth are bathing in sugars and bacteria is building up an attack to eat away tooth enamel.

The better option is to give your baby water. In addition to the water, it is also a good idea to take a washcloth and gently wipe down those teeth before putting your child down to rest. This will minimize the opportunity for early tooth decay. One of the main oral maladies affecting some babies in Pearl, MS is bottle mouth – a condition of tooth decay on new primary teeth. You do not want your toddler keeping you up at night with crying due to a toothache!

Dental Sealants

Keeping primary teeth clean and healthy is a main component of good oral care, along with regular visits to your family dentist. Primary teeth are important for several reasons. Not only do they allow your child to eat and chew food properly, but they also hold space for permanent teeth to come in.

Once the permanent teeth come in, you can help keep them protected against dental decay by requesting dental sealants. Permanent molars have deep fissures and grooves that can collect bacteria and build up plaque. These areas are difficult to keep clean and vulnerable to decay. Dental sealants act as a barrier to prevent bacteria and food debris from starting the process of decay.

At Mint Dental, in Pearl, MS, we are happy to help you protect your child’s teeth from cavities. Call us and schedule an appointment for a dental examination with your family dentist and ask about dental sealants.

Posted on behalf of Mint Dental



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Antoinette Liles, DMD and her dental assistant performing dental treatment.
Antoinette Liles, DMD and her dental assistant performing pediatric dental treatment.
Happy National Dentist Day. Antoinette Liles, DMD performing dental checkup.
Antoinette Liles, DMD in the treatment room.
Antoinette Liles, DMD

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