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Preventive Dentistry is a Cost Saver ,
Dental Patient

When you think of dentistry, is cost a consideration? Avoiding dental appointments due to financial concerns is a common approach to oral health issues. The idea is, if you don’t go for treatment, there is no charge. However, finding relief from pain or infection of the teeth or gums is not possible without intervention.

Oral health conditions including infected gums, tooth decay or missing teeth are just some of the issues that patients may choose to ignore. These conditions are typically progressive, which means symptoms will worsen over time. You may find that everyday actions such as eating, drinking, talking and smiling will cause pain and discomfort. For most people, relief is only achievable with treatment from an experienced dentist.

Preventive Dentistry

Another option that will actually save you money is preventive dentistry. When you attend regular appointments, your dentist has the opportunity to identify issues early. Treatment is considerably more affordable when oral health problems are avoided altogether.

Cleaning teeth and gums at the dentist can prevent a range of oral health conditions. Even the most robust brushing and flossing at home will miss trouble spots. A deep clean will remove plaque and tartar from deep pockets. You will also benefit from education on how to get the most from your morning and nighttime regimen.

Oral & Throat Cancers

On a more serious note, going to the dentist regularly could save your life. Dentists can identify signs of oral and throat cancers, giving you time to seek treatment. Open mouth sores, unusual patches around the gums, loose teeth and mouth pain are some of the common symptoms of cancer that you may not take seriously.

When an experienced dentist performs a checkup, looking for these symptoms is part of the job. Early intervention for those suffering from mouth and throat cancers can increase the effectiveness of any necessary treatment. As a patient at Mint Dental, you have the assurance of knowing that we care about your general well-being.

Call Mint Dental in Pearl, MS today if you are concerned about the cost of dentistry. We are committed to helping you avoid huge dental bills through preventive treatment.

Posted on behalf of Mint Dental



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Antoinette Liles, DMD and her dental assistant performing dental treatment.
Antoinette Liles, DMD and her dental assistant performing pediatric dental treatment.
Happy National Dentist Day. Antoinette Liles, DMD performing dental checkup.
Antoinette Liles, DMD in the treatment room.
Antoinette Liles, DMD

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