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Oral Health Problems and the Body ,
A satisfied middle-aged man with perfect smile coming out of the office building.

Your overall well-being is directly linked to oral health. Mouth infections, nutrition and sleep are all factors that can make you feel unwell. One example of the seriousness of the link between oral health and your overall health is the risk of heart disease.

Inflammation throughout the body is often caused by bacteria entering the bloodstream. One of the sources of these bacteria is through oral infections. Respiratory problems such as pneumonia are also identified in patients who suffer from gum disease.

The body is a collection of complex systems that are all interconnected. It is therefore important to take a holistic approach to health. How you treat your teeth and gums can directly impact your general well-being. This can manifest in several ways that do not show an obvious connection.

Sleep Deprivation
Lack of sleep can significantly affect your health. The body needs rest to feed and regenerate organs and other component parts. When you have a sore tooth or oral infection, getting proper rest is not always achievable. Bodily systems will begin to suffer over time.

You do not need to wake up during the night to suffer from disrupted sleep. Hovering between the waking and sleeping world is enough to reduce quality of rest. That pulsing ache in your tooth could lead to more serious health problems over time.

Heart Conditions
Much research is needed to definitively establish the links between heart conditions and poor oral health. However, the correlation alone is enough to encourage ongoing studies. Heart disease, clogged arteries and stroke are just some of the conditions that have been linked to oral infections.

If you aren’t looking after your teeth and gums, chances are you also follow an unhealthy diet and lifestyle. All these elements combined can increase the risk of developing serious health conditions. There is help available from Mint Dental in Pearl, MS. All you have to do is reach out for your first appointment.

We are a practice staffed by compassionate people who care about your health. Call our offices today if you would like an oral health checkup.

Posted on behalf of Mint Dental



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Antoinette Liles, DMD and her dental assistant performing pediatric dental treatment.
Happy National Dentist Day. Antoinette Liles, DMD performing dental checkup.
Antoinette Liles, DMD in the treatment room.
Antoinette Liles, DMD

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