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First Dental Visit for Your Child? 6 Tips for a Positive Experience ,
Child Brushing Teeth

It can be hard to say who might be more nervous about your child’s first trip to your dentist. However, by being prepared, you are more likely to have a positive experience that will set the groundwork for a lifetime of healthy dental habits. Here are six tips to help create a positive experience for your child at the dentist.

Read Books About Going to the Dentist

It’s a good idea to start reading books with your child early. When they see that visiting the dentist is nothing to be afraid of and is actually a normal part of being a kid, they are less likely to fear their first appointment.

“Play Dentist” With a Favorite Stuffed Animal

You can have your child act out being a dentist with their favorite stuffed animal or doll as the patient. Even toys with pretend teeth and dental tools are designed to show children proper dental hygiene and that dental instruments aren’t scary.

Choose an Experienced Pediatric Dentist

Dentists who are experienced and love working with children understand the challenges when young patients are nervous during their first appointments. They also understand how important it is to set an excellent first impression so they feel comfortable returning and understand the importance of good dental care.

Tell Them On the Day of the Appointment

By waiting to tell them on the day of the appointment, there won’t be as much time for the anxiety to build. This can give you time to remind them of the positive experiences in books and play and let them know what to expect without creating as much anxiety.

Be Prepared and On-Time

When you arrive on time for your appointment, or even a little early, you can make sure paperwork is taken care of, and there is no rush. If you are stressed about taking care of insurance or last-minute things, that anxiety can transfer to your child.

Have Reasonable Expectations

Even with the best preparation plans, a child can still be nervous or afraid of their first dental appointment. They may refuse even to open their mouth or say anything. They might not want to sit in the chair. These reactions are more common than you think, and getting upset can create a negative experience. Instead, stay relaxed and give them time to open up independently. This can help them feel comfortable and not pressured into something they are unsure of and might need time to understand.

For your child’s first dental appointment, call Mint Dental in Pearl, MS. Our team is experienced in pediatric dentistry, and we work with parents to help their children learn good dental hygiene early. We look forward to meeting you and your family!

Posted on behalf of Mint Dental



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Antoinette Liles, DMD and her dental assistant performing dental treatment.
Antoinette Liles, DMD and her dental assistant performing pediatric dental treatment.
Happy National Dentist Day. Antoinette Liles, DMD performing dental checkup.
Antoinette Liles, DMD in the treatment room.
Antoinette Liles, DMD

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