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Be Thankful for Good Oral Health ,
Healthy Smiling Patients

November is the time of year when many Americans make a special effort to reflect on all the many things for which they have to be thankful. Good health is often on that list of blessings. What may go unnoticed is that good oral health is a big part of overall health. When you have good oral health, chances are your general health and well-being are also good.

Poor oral health can lead to a variety of serious general health problems such as cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, problems with pregnancy and other health issues. Gum disease in particular has been linked to many health issues. Also, when your smile is less than appealing, it can have an impact on your self-confidence and social interactions.

Maintaining Oral Health Through the Holidays

During this time of year, there are many extra activities that can make it difficult to keep up with your oral hygiene. At the same time, because of the holidays, it is also important to make sure you maintain your oral care.

This time of year, people are inundated with annual treats that do not get offered outside of the holidays. Sweet and savory dishes, pastries, cakes, pies, beverages and other holiday fare are tempting and delicious. It is challenging to say no to scrumptious foods and beverages that only come around once a year. You can indulge, but you should also be sure to avoid neglecting your oral hygiene.

Refined carbs and foods and beverages high in sugar content will wreak havoc on your teeth and gums if you do not take action against them. Keeping up with brushing and flossing your teeth during the busy holiday season is very important for maintaining good oral health.

The Gift of a Healthy Smile

Keeping your smile healthy not only makes you look good, it is also good for your overall health. Replacing missing teeth, addressing problems with dental decay and/or gum disease helps improve your overall health as well as your self-confidence. Smiling has been shown to have many benefits for the individual who gives the smile as well as those who receive it. When your teeth and gums are healthy, you may be more likely to smile more often.

Good oral care saves you time and money as well. Fewer trips to the dentist, an appealing smile and lower dental bills are all blessings for which you can be thankful. At Mint Dental, we offer excellent dental care to patients of all ages. Schedule an appointment with us and keep the smiles in your family healthy and beautiful.

Posted on behalf of Mint Dental



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Antoinette Liles, DMD and her dental assistant performing dental treatment.
Antoinette Liles, DMD and her dental assistant performing pediatric dental treatment.
Happy National Dentist Day. Antoinette Liles, DMD performing dental checkup.
Antoinette Liles, DMD in the treatment room.
Antoinette Liles, DMD

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