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3 Reasons to Review Your Dental Insurance Policy Today ,
Dental Insurance Forms

When was the last time you familiarized yourself with your dental insurance policy? The money you are paying for your policy can be stretched when you take full advantage of the benefits it offers. Unless you have maximized your benefits already, now is a good time to check your policy. We have listed three good reasons why you should review your insurance policy now.

  1. Make Sure You Are Not Giving Away Your Money
    If you have not taken advantage of your dental insurance benefits this year, you may be leaving money on the table. Your policy has an annual maximum for each person covered. For many policies, this amount is $1000 per person, per year. Some policies may offer more. You may have co-payments for services or you may have a deductible that needs to be paid before your insurance coverage begins paying for your dental care.

Most policies will cover a percentage of the cost of your dental procedures. You pay out-of-pocket for the remainder. Each amount paid by the policy is deducted from the annual maximum. The policy holder is responsible for any amount that exceeds the allotted maximum. Preventive care, your annual checkup, professional cleaning and x-rays are usually 100% covered by dental insurance.

  1. Take Care of Expensive Dental Procedures
    Some dental procedures can be very expensive. If your dentist has recommended such a procedure but the cost is more than the annual maximum, you may want to consider having the procedure done in stages. Extensive dental work can also be split, so that you can make the most of your dental insurance. You pay good money for your dental insurance, so be sure to use it and make your dollars stretch.
  2. Minimize Extra Dental Costs
    You can save money by taking advantage of preventive care. Your annual checkup will ensure that dental problems are caught early in their development. Since your dental insurance covers preventive care, there is no reason you should put off getting a dental exam. You may not have any dental problems, but if you do, identifying them early also saves you money. You will be less likely to exceed your annual maximum if the dental work you require is kept to a minimum.

Mint Dental will help you keep your oral health at its best. We can also help you stretch your dental insurance dollars. Before the year ends and your policy resets, review your benefits and make sure you are making the most of them and make an appointment with us before the new year begins.

Posted on behalf of Mint Dental



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Antoinette Liles, DMD and her dental assistant performing pediatric dental treatment.
Happy National Dentist Day. Antoinette Liles, DMD performing dental checkup.
Antoinette Liles, DMD in the treatment room.
Antoinette Liles, DMD

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